We are a family kennel of lagotto romagnolo but we try to breed with profesional knowledge and the latest genetic info available.
Our lagotto puppies live in Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, England, Spain, Latvia, Slovenien, USA, Russia, Finland and Switzerland. They are great family dogs excelling at various activities, truffle search, dog sports, canistherapy and many others, some of them are also successfull show dogs.
All our dogs live with us in the house, also our puppies are raised in the house. They are used to children, other dogs and cats. They know how to behave in the pack. Our effort is to breed healthy dogs in compliance with FCI standards with great coats, correct construction and movement and good temperament. Our breeding dogs are tested for JE (juvenile epilepsy), Storage desease, Furnishing, hip and elbow dysplasy and eye diseases, they have MyDOG DNA health profiles
All our puppies have FCI pedigree, EU petpassport, they are chipped, vaccinated and several times dewormed. They come with lots of hugs and kisses from us and we are always happy to hear from them.
You can contact us on or 00421905168972

Thank you dear owners for sending us photos. The ones you did not sent, you can still send some and they will be added. :-). Enjoy the summer!

On a rainy cold Sunday we attended the Lagotto Club show organized by the Austrian lagotto Club in Feldbach. Our 4 dogs got all very nice judgments and placements. Here are their results:

Our lagotto Radiva baby K Rob - Robko participated in one National and one International Dog Show in Karlsruhe, Germany and he made us soooo proud! First day he got Excellent 1, VDH, CAC and best male (BOS) in strong competition (judged by Mr.. A. Deutscher, 26 entries) and on the second day he got Excellent 1, VDH, CAC, CACIB and Best of Breed (judged by Mr. P. Machetanz, 29 entries). Handling by Juraj Števiar.

Our Robert (Radiva baby K Rob) has participated in his first show on 20.8. in Bratislava, we attach a few photos of him enjoying the ring. He got Very promising 1.

After some time we participated in an international dog show in Nitra with our dogs (4.12.2016). Our offspring also competed in the ring with total entries 15 lagotti. The judge was Mrs. Lenka Frncova from the Czech Republic. Our results were very nice but it was even nicer to see our puppies again :-). A few photos from the show can be found in the photogallery. The

We have spent a lovely sunny day in Austria on a Lagotto Club Show where we met with our offspring living in Austria. The results of our dogs and the dogs bred by us are: Radiva baby Eliash in young class - Exc 2/5

We have participated on the dog show in Tulln, in Austria, where our dogs got nice results, certificates and nice judgements, but the main reason why we travelled to Tulln was to see our offspring after some time. It was great to see them again and find out they not only look great but they all have great friendly characters and super temperaments.

Our lagotti are in the latest August edition of the Slovak magazine Dog and Cat! You can read and interesting profile of our favourite breed.

A long expected event WDS Budapest took place on 19 May 2013. We were a little woried and nervous, but mainly excited, as on the WDS usually the TOP breeders are present with their best dogs.

The top of our show season was the C.I.L show – Italian Club Show of lagotto romagnolo in Italian Bagnara di Romagna with